Sunday, May 25, 2008



A Small Story to you:

A Crow Sitting on a tree and doing nothing.A Rabbit came and saw the Crow and thought to do the same and sat on the ground.A wolf came and ate it up.

Moral:To sit and do nothing you need to be at the Top as the Crow.So Don't believe in blind any online Job which promising you "By simply sitting in home You can Earn $150 a day or $5000 per Week.Before proceed to any online job ,Confirm the goodness of that Job.

Some of you or your friends may say like this "Money can't do all for you".But please see here What the World's Richest Man Mr.Bill Gates say,

"Always Remember money is not everything but make sure that you have made enough of it before talking such nonsense"

So Be wish to become a richest Man.But Be careful while facing Online Jobs.Here I will give you some examples of Fake Online Jobs.

1.Online Data Entry jobs

They will send the materials which u have to type in computer.They have already typed them and send to you through mail or email.Why one more time should they type and pay money to you? If they need, they can use automated software.This is the most viewed fake job opportunity.

2.Form fill up Jobs

They will give what u have to fill in forms?They have them already in computer and they can fill the millions of forms using simple software.Why should they pay you?This is second most viewed fraud in internet world.

3.Mail Forwarding Jobs

They will give u the link and u have to put them in all social networking communities like Orkut.Com ,,,etc..and in free classifieds.Visitor will click them and you get reply from them .You have to forward their mails to your company.They will pay u $.5 for every mail.For this opportunity you have to pay a one time fee in first time.
I will surely say you wont get back the money what u have paid to them itself.

4.Content Website

They will direct you to choose one web hosting service and you pay to them ,you will get website.Then they design your site with Google AdSense and other earning opportunities.After that they will say you can get more money from Google.Is it true?
No.Where will u get ur visitors?You cant get anybody to visit ur site.Driving visitors to your site not easy and also not so cheap.So don't believe in them.

5.Free site and click the ads in your site by yourself

Somebody offer free sites and you think that you can click ur ads by yourself and you can earn money from Google AdSense and from others.Is Google a mad?They have brilliant software technology to find these type of people.They will check the following details for every single click.
IP address ---(They wont pay if If many clicks from same address)
Geo-target----(They will check where u are -If your site only clicked by same region or state they wont pay money for you.)etc
Nearly Google check 20 terms like the above for every click.So don't try to cheat them.Even if can afford to cheat them,I will tell you one thing you can earn some small money alone.You will never become a entrepreneur.

6.Google Adsense or adword Guide Book or CD

No need to buy any book or CD to understand googles adsense and other products.Google has well designed pages. visit google adsense page

7. Survey Sites

Survey sites earn a lot of money by advertisements. But No survey site pay truly to subscribers. Don't waste your time in survey sites.

Ok! Then What is the True Money making Idea


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Submit Blog to Blog Directories - Traffic Exchange

How do you attract more readers and visitors to your Blog? To make your Blog more visible, the solution lies in submitting your Blog URL or RSS Feed to as many good Blog directories as possible. There are hundreds of websites touting themselves as blog search engines, blog directory hosts, feed aggregators, and traffic exchanges. A couple of the website creators are out to make a quick buck, selling their sites and member database on eBay the moment they attract sufficient traffic.

Over the past few weeks, I have submitted this Blog and RSS feed to many of these Blog directories for free. The first submissions were of course to Google and Yahoo; if you have not submitted your Blog URL to them, you may read the earlier articles on submitting sitemap to Google and submitting sitemap to Yahoo. At the same time, submit the Blogger Sitemap to MSN and too.

Although my blog is only about 2 months' old at the time of this writing, if I were to enter my blog title “candymoney” into Google search, I am able to see it appearing at the top of the search results. Many of the other results are those of the blog directories in which this blog was listed. Listing in directories therefore helps in promoting your blog.

Before you proceed to submit your site to these directories, my personal advice is that you create a free web-based email account solely for this purpose. Should the directory hosts decide to sell their sites and database in future, your present email account would not be compromised. This is also to prevent flooding of your personal email with updates sent to you by the many directory administrators.

The aim of this article is to relate to you my experience in those free blog directories that I have tried submitting to. While I appreciate comments on these, please refrain from posting suggestions of new blog directory sites. A number of them may be fly-by-nights and I will not recommend them unless I have personally used them. Others may have specific requirements such as blogs having to be older than 6 months, or blogs covering specific news contents.

Different directories have different forms to fill when submitting your blog. Their instructions are usually easy to follow. However, you may want to note the following:-

1. Some directories require you to register before adding your Blog. While most of them allow you to submit more than one Blog, some may require you to use a different login name for each Blog. What I did in these situations was to create different login names but using the same email address.

2. If you are asked for the RSS Feed or your Feed URL, check that under your Settings -> Site Feed, the “Allow Blog Feed” shows either “Full” or “Short.” Do not choose “None.” Your Feed URL is yourblogURL/feeds/posts/default or yourblogURL/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss where yourblogURL is the URL of your Blog beginning with http:// Do not type in “www” for Blogger blogs. For example, our Atom Feed URL is You can test it by typing your feed address into a web browser and view. If you have an external Feed address like a Feedburner Feed address, you may submit that too. I shall go into the details of Feed and Feed directories in a separate article.

3. Where you are to create a picture, banner, or link button to represent your blog, you can use Google's Picasa or any image editing software to create a new picture, or resize a current one to the required dimensions. Normally, you are required to upload it onto a free image host or server and provide the URL of your banner or picture. You can read about using free hosts like Google Page Creator and Google Groups. We also have a rather comprehensive list of free Image Hosts and File Hosting Services in our article on Manage Blogger Image Storage Space. Check out those sites and choose one that is fast, reliable and enables hotlinking to the uploaded files.

4. The “Reciprocal Link URL” is the main page where you will be putting a link to their blog directory. More likely than not, this will be the URL of your Blog.

5. The “meta keywords” or “tags” are keywords that represent your blog's content. Similarly “meta description” is a short few sentences describing your blog. Basically, “meta” tags provide information about your Blog for search engines to identify and match.

As the directory list is long, the article will be split into several parts, and updated as and when I try out the sites. Some sites track the number of the visitors to your blog. You may see voting gateways, which basically give visitors a chance to vote for your blog if they wish to. If they do not want to vote, there is always an option for them to enter the site without voting. Have a look at the directory sites and submit your blog to those you like.

Traffic Exchange Sites

A number of traffic exchange sites have blog directories which can include links to your blog.

Blog Directories

Technorati Add to Technorati Favorites

They supposedly track 75.2 million blogs. Quite naturally, you would want your blog to be one of them. Register with them and submit your blog. Follow their instructions to claim your blog. They will provide you with statistics like the number of blogs that link to you. You can also invite other members to favorite your blog.


If you are familiar with Wikipedia, this is the equivalent for blogs. It faces the same problems as Wikipedia i.e., while it is easy to list your blog, it is equally easy for others to edit your listing. Nevertheless, for a new blogger, this is one of the fastest way to have your blog appear in a directory. [Update: This site has been down for quite a while and link is therefore removed.]

Fuel My Blog

This is an interesting directory. Unlike the usual text-based blog directories, this site goes by images that you create to represent your blog. When your visitors click a link on your site that says Fuel My Blog!, your image will move up the ranks and appear on the front page, making it more visible to directory viewers.



A blog directory listing that is sorted by the number of unique visitors to your blog. Your visitors can also cast a Vote to increase your ranking. The scores are reset every week to allow new bloggers like us a chance to be placed among the top.

Top Blogs


Here, you are ranked by unique hits based on the Votes you receive from your visitors. Many of the comments posted on the directory site are spam comments, and if you can disable comments, you might want to do that. [Update: This site has been down for quite a while and link is therefore removed.]


Another directory that ranks you based on the Votes and the number of unique visitors to your site.

Topblogarea Top Business blogs

A blog directory that tracks unique visitors. Unlike the earlier ones, visitors do not vote at this directory.


This is a simple, nice blog directory that tracks your unique visitors and pageviews. [Update: This site has been down for quite a while and link is therefore removed.]

Business Blogs

Here, you are ranked based on unique visitors. Although there is a count for votes in, somehow the code provided by them did not track this vote count.


I joined this directory only about a week ago. A simple directory that monitors the Votes and unique hits.


Ranking is by the Votes cast by the visitors to your blog.


There is a voting gateway for your visitors but ranking is based on unique pageviews.

This article continues at Submit Blog to Blog Directories (II).

For more visibility, you may want to submit your Blog to Feed Directories and ping your Blog every time your contents are updated. Also, submit your Blog to the various Search Engines for maximum exposure.

While you are looking at blog directories, you may also want to consider earning money while you are surfing the net. AGLOCO seems to have a nice scheme for you which you may want to take a look. You may also want to consider having AuctionAds to display an eBay auction widget which is compatible with AdSense and other ad systems. No harm trying it since it might give you an extra income.

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Add Music to Blogspot Blog or blogger

This article is updated to address the difference in the way the code is interpreted by the different browsers, namely Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. We have also included a sample music file which you can use to test the effects of adding the sound file to your Blog. As well, read our article on Flash Music Player and Music Playlists to add a playlist of several musical pieces or songs.

“Music, the greatest good that mortals know,
And all of heaven we have below.” ... Joseph Addison

Depending on the subject matter of your blog, having music played in the background may either enhance the pleasure of reading or annoy your visitor. Imagine the agony of surfing the web in discreet, only to catch the attention of your office colleagues or parents when the music automatically blasts off in the background. Not to mention, a big music file may cause a slower page download. Nevertheless, the solution, as shall be explained later, is simple - have an option for the reader to play or stop the music.

To begin, you will need to have a music file uploaded onto a server. You can read about using free hosts like Google Page Creator and Google Groups. We have also a rather comprehensive list of free Image Hosts and File Hosting Services in our article on Manage Blogger Image Storage Space. Check out those sites and choose one that is fast, reliable and enables hotlinking to the uploaded files. Upon uploading, note down the URL of the file.

Alternatively, there are several sites that offer free download of their music files. You can enter search words like “free music download” or search for a popular artist name in the Google search box. Most of the sites that offer free download will lead you to the file location stored in their servers. Copy the URL of the music file that you have chosen.

Enter your search terms in google search box given above and below this page

If you would like to hear how the music works on your Blog, you can also use this music file which we have uploaded onto Google Pages - - whenever you are prompted to enter the “URL of music file”. This file is for testing purposes only. Please do not link permanently to this file as it may be changed or deleted in due course.

Next, you would have to decide how you want the music to be played.

Link for reader to click

This is a text link. Your visitor can click the link if he wants to hear the music.

Remember to enter the URL of music file into the above code. This code can be inserted into your Blog post. If you want to put it in your sidebar, you can go to Template -> Page Elements -> Add a Page Element, select HTML/JavaScript and insert the code. Whatever words you type into the “Click to hear music file” will appear as the text link.

Music with a console

A music player console with controls of the volume, on and off buttons, would give your visitors a choice on how he wants the music played. With the code stated below, the music will not play unless the visitor clicks the play button.

You can either insert the music console into your Blog post or your sidebar. If you want it in the sidebar, go to Template -> Page Elements -> Add a Page Element, select HTML/JavaScript.

The code to insert is this:-

For instance, using the following code:-

this is what you see:-

It will look different in IE and Firefox, depending on the installed plugins.

Note the following attributes and how they work on different browsers:-

1. Insert your URL of music file into the code.

2. The width of the example you see above is "300". If you want it to be embedded neatly into your sidebar, the width should not be greater than the sidebar width. For example, if your sidebar width is 150px, the width of your console should be about 140px.

3. The height would depend on your preference and space constraints.

4. The autostart attribute has two options. If you choose "true", the music will automatically play when your page is loaded. As I have mentioned earlier, this is not a good option unless you are absolutely sure all your visitors would not mind the music. The better option is to state it as "false". If the visitor wishes to hear the music, he can click the play button to start the music.

Note, however, that while it works fine in Internet Explorer, it may not be so in Mozilla Firefox. The default setting for IE is "false" which means the music will not play automatically. The default setting for Firefox is "true", and when we experimented with .wma and .wav files, they automatically played even when we set the autostart to "false". If you are working on the Mac, the default setting for both browsers is "false".

5. The loop attribute indicates whether the music should stop once that particular tune ends. The common attributes are "false" or "true". If the attribute is "false", the music ends after it is played once. If it is "true", the music will automatically loop and continue playing until the visitor clicks the stop button or leaves your site. For short music pieces, you may want it to repeat and choose "true".

For certain versions of Netscape browsers, another attribute that might work is loop="n" where n is a number. If n is 2 for example, the music will play twice and stop. The similar attribute in Internet Explorer is playcount.

6. You can specify the number of times the music is to be played. In the above example, where playcount="2", the same piece of music is played twice before it stops. If you want the music to be played once, you can delete playcount altogether. Note that this only works in Internet Explorer.

Background music to play automatically

For the music to play the moment your page is loaded, the code will have to appear in the HTML document of your site. Note that in so doing, there are no controls for the visitor to choose whether or not to listen to the music, nor options to turn it off. Login to your Dashboard and under “Template”, click “Edit HTML”. Somewhere near the top, after the word , insert this code:-

Remember to insert the URL of music file into the code. There is no image of a console and readers cannot choose to turn off the music. Use this option with discretion.


The sound files can be in any format provided that your browser has the necessary plugin to play that file. Many people have problems playing MP3 files because their Firefox browsers do not have the necessary plugins. To check what your Firefox browser can support, enter this command into your browser:-

It will list all the installed plugins and the media files that can be played.

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HTML color Code chart - Hexadecimal values of color or colour

Black #000000
Grey0 #150517
Grey18 #250517
Grey21 #2B1B17
Grey23 #302217
Grey24 #302226
Grey25 #342826
Grey26 #34282C
Grey27 #382D2C
Grey28 #3b3131
Grey29 #3E3535
Grey30 #413839
Grey31 #41383C
Grey32 #463E3F
Grey34 #4A4344
Grey35 #4C4646
Grey36 #4E4848
Grey37 #504A4B
Grey38 #544E4F
Grey39 #565051
Grey40 #595454
Grey41 #5C5858
Grey42 #5F5A59
Grey43 #625D5D
Grey44 #646060
Grey45 #666362
Grey46 #696565
Grey47 #6D6968
Grey48 #6E6A6B
Grey49 #726E6D
Grey50 #747170
Grey #736F6E
Slate Grey4 #616D7E
Slate Grey #657383
Light Steel Blue4 #646D7E
Light Slate Grey #6D7B8D
Cadet Blue4 #4C787E
Dark Slate Grey4 #4C7D7E
Thistle4 #806D7E
Medium Slate Blue #5E5A80
Medium Purple4 #4E387E
Midnight Blue #151B54
Dark Slate Blue #2B3856
Dark Slate Grey #25383C
Dim Grey #463E41
Cornflower Blue #151B8D
Royal Blue4 #15317E
Slate Blue4 #342D7E
Royal Blue #2B60DE
Royal Blue1 #306EFF
Royal Blue2 #2B65EC
Royal Blue3 #2554C7
Deep Sky Blue #3BB9FF
Deep Sky Blue2 #38ACEC
Slate Blue #357EC7
Deep Sky Blue3 #3090C7
Deep Sky Blue4 #25587E
Dodger Blue #1589FF
Dodger Blue2 #157DEC
Dodger Blue3 #1569C7
Dodger Blue4 #153E7E
Steel Blue4 #2B547E
Steel Blue #4863A0
Slate Blue2 #6960EC
Violet #8D38C9
Medium Purple3 #7A5DC7
Medium Purple #8467D7
Medium Purple2 #9172EC
Medium Purple1 #9E7BFF
Light Steel Blue #728FCE
Steel Blue3 #488AC7
Steel Blue2 #56A5EC
Steel Blue1 #5CB3FF
Sky Blue3 #659EC7
Sky Blue4 #41627E
Slate Blue #737CA1
Slate Grey3 #98AFC7
Violet Red #F6358A
Violet Red2 #E4317F
Deep Pink #F52887
Deep Pink2 #E4287C
Deep Pink3 #C12267
Deep Pink4 #7D053F
Medium Violet Red #CA226B
Violet Red3 #C12869
Firebrick #800517
Violet Red4 #7D0541
Maroon4 #7D0552
Maroon #810541
Maroon3 #C12283
Maroon2 #E3319D
Maroon1 #F535AA
Magenta #FF00FF
Magenta1 #F433FF
Magenta2 #E238EC
Magenta3 #C031C7
Medium Orchid #B048B5
Medium Orchid1 #D462FF
Medium Orchid2 #C45AEC
Medium Orchid3 #A74AC7
Medium Orchid4 #6A287E
Purple #8E35EF
Purple1 #893BFF
Purple2 #7F38EC
Purple3 #6C2DC7
Purple4 #461B7E
Dark Orchid4 #571B7E
Dark Orchid #7D1B7E
Dark Violet #842DCE
Dark Orchid3 #8B31C7
Dark Orchid2 #A23BEC
Dark Orchid1 #B041FF
Plum4 #7E587E
Pale Violet Red #D16587
Pale Violet Red1 #F778A1
Pale Violet Red2 #E56E94
Pale Violet Red3 #C25A7C
Pale Violet Red4 #7E354D
Plum #B93B8F
Plum1 #F9B7FF
Plum2 #E6A9EC
Plum3 #C38EC7
Thistle #D2B9D3
Thistle3 #C6AEC7
Lavendar Blush2 #EBDDE2
Lavendar Blush3 #C8BBBE
Thistle2 #E9CFEC
Thistle1 #FCDFFF
Lavendar #E3E4FA
Lavendar Blush #FDEEF4
Light Steel Blue1 #C6DEFF
Light Blue #ADDFFF
Light Blue1 #BDEDFF
Light Cyan #E0FFFF
Slate Grey1 #C2DFFF
Slate Grey2 #B4CFEC
Light Steel Blue2 #B7CEEC
Turquoise1 #52F3FF
Cyan #00FFFF
Cyan1 #57FEFF
Cyan2 #50EBEC
Turquoise2 #4EE2EC
Medium Turquoise #48CCCD
Turquoise #43C6DB
Dark Slate Grey1 #9AFEFF
Dark Slate Grey2 #8EEBEC
Dark Slate Grey3 #78C7C7
Cyan3 #46C7C7
Turquoise3 #43BFC7
Cadet Blue3 #77BFC7
Pale Turquoise3 #92C7C7
Light Blue2 #AFDCEC
Dark Turquoise #3B9C9C
Cyan4 #307D7E
Light Sea Green #3EA99F
Light Sky Blue #82CAFA
Light Sky Blue2 #A0CFEC
Light Sky Blue3 #87AFC7
Sky Blue #82CAFF
Sky Blue2 #B0E2FF
Light Sky Blue4 #566D7E
Sky Blue #6698FF
Light Slate Blue #736AFF
Light Cyan2 #CFECEC
Light Cyan3 #AFC7C7
Light Cyan4 #717D7D
Light Blue3 #95B9C7
Light Blue4 #5E767E
Pale Turquoise4 #5E7D7E
Dark Sea Green4 #617C58
Medium Aquamarine #348781
Medium Sea Green #306754
Sea Green #4E8975
Dark Green #254117
Sea Green4 #387C44
Forest Green #4E9258
Medium Forest Green #347235
Spring Green4 #347C2C
Dark Olive Green4 #667C26
Chartreuse4 #437C17
Green4 #347C17
Medium Spring Green #348017
Spring Green #4AA02C
Lime Green #41A317
Spring Green #4AA02C
Dark Sea Green #8BB381
Dark Sea Green3 #99C68E
Green3 #4CC417
Chartreuse3 #6CC417
Yellow Green #52D017
Spring Green3 #4CC552
Sea Green3 #54C571
Spring Green2 #57E964
Spring Green1 #5EFB6E
Sea Green2 #64E986
Sea Green1 #6AFB92
Dark Sea Green2 #B5EAAA
Dark Sea Green1 #C3FDB8
Green #00FF00
Lawn Green #87F717
Green1 #5FFB17
Green2 #59E817
Chartreuse2 #7FE817
Chartreuse #8AFB17
Green Yellow #B1FB17
Dark Olive Green1 #CCFB5D
Dark Olive Green2 #BCE954
Dark Olive Green3 #A0C544
Yellow #FFFF00
Yellow1 #FFFC17
Khaki1 #FFF380
Khaki2 #EDE275
Goldenrod #EDDA74
Gold2 #EAC117
Gold1 #FDD017
Goldenrod1 #FBB917
Goldenrod2 #E9AB17
Gold #D4A017
Gold3 #C7A317
Goldenrod3 #C68E17
Dark Goldenrod #AF7817
Khaki #ADA96E
Khaki3 #C9BE62
Khaki4 #827839
Dark Goldenrod1 #FBB117
Dark Goldenrod2 #E8A317
Dark Goldenrod3 #C58917
Sienna1 #F87431
Sienna2 #E66C2C
Dark Orange #F88017
Dark Orange1 #F87217
Dark Orange2 #E56717
Dark Orange3 #C35617
Sienna3 #C35817
Sienna #8A4117
Sienna4 #7E3517
Indian Red4 #7E2217
Dark Orange3 #7E3117
Salmon4 #7E3817
Dark Goldenrod4 #7F5217
Gold4 #806517
Goldenrod4 #805817
Light Salmon4 #7F462C
Chocolate #C85A17
Coral3 #C34A2C
Coral2 #E55B3C
Coral #F76541
Dark Salmon #E18B6B
Salmon1 #F88158
Salmon2 #E67451
Salmon3 #C36241
Light Salmon3 #C47451
Light Salmon2 #E78A61
Light Salmon #F9966B
Sandy Brown #EE9A4D
Hot Pink #F660AB
Hot Pink1 #F665AB
Hot Pink2 #E45E9D
Hot Pink3 #C25283
Hot Pink4 #7D2252
Light Coral #E77471
Indian Red1 #F75D59
Indian Red2 #E55451
Indian Red3 #C24641
Red #FF0000
Red1 #F62217
Red2 #E41B17
Firebrick1 #F62817
Firebrick2 #E42217
Firebrick3 #C11B17
Rosy Brown1 #FBBBB9
Rosy Brown2 #E8ADAA
Pink2 #E7A1B0
Light Pink #FAAFBA
Light Pink1 #F9A7B0
Light Pink2 #E799A3
Pink3 #C48793
Rosy Brown3 #C5908E
Rosy Brown #B38481
Light Pink3 #C48189
Rosy Brown4 #7F5A58
Light Pink4 #7F4E52
Pink4 #7F525D
Lavendar Blush4 #817679
Light Goldenrod4 #817339
Lemon Chiffon4 #827B60
Lemon Chiffon3 #C9C299
Light Goldenrod3 #C8B560
Light Golden2 #ECD672
Light Goldenrod #ECD872
Light Goldenrod1 #FFE87C
Lemon Chiffon2 #ECE5B6
Lemon Chiffon #FFF8C6
Light Goldenrod Yellow #FAF8CC

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Customize and Modify Poll Widget,Gadget

In this article, we shall suggest some modifications to the CSS template to change the appearance of the Poll widget to something eye-catching and attention-grabbing. For example, we can add background colors or images to the Polls widget and change the font and border colors. These should draw the attention of your readers to the Poll and put some buzz into the Blog.

In case you are not aware, Blogger recently introduced a Polls Page Element allowing you to add a Poll to your sidebar. You determine the question and answers, and readers cast their votes within the Poll period set by you. It sounds like a nice feature, except that the look of this Poll widget is plain and unexciting as it blends into the background of your sidebar. With a bit of effort, we can change all that.

Set up a Poll

To set up a Poll, go to Template -> Page Elements and Add a Page Element in your sidebar. Select “Poll”. Enter the Question and insert all the possible answers. Tick if you allow multiple answers and set a date for the Poll to end. When you refresh your Blog, this is the Poll widget you see.

Image Touched Up By

It follows the sidebar styles and blends with the sidebar background color. It is plain and many readers may not even notice it there.

Add Border and Colors

Let us now add a border and background color to it. Go to Template -> Edit HTML, scroll to any early part of the CSS template and insert the following code (shown in red). For easy reference, let's put the code under /* Sidebar Content */


1. When a Poll is created, Blogger will assign an ID to the widget. If this is the only poll, it will be named Poll1. If there is another poll in the Blog, that second poll will be named Poll2 and you should change the reference accordingly.

2. We have given it a yellow background color (#FFFF00). Change it to any other color by inserting the relevant color code from our Color Code Chart.

3. By default, there is no frame border to the widget. To make it stand out, we added a border of 3px. You can reduce it to 1px if you want a narrow border. Also, the color of the border is blue (#736AFF) in this example.

4. If the Poll widget is placed in the sidebar, it takes up 100% of the sidebar width. To narrow it, we can insert a width setting.

5. The padding is to give a space of 10px to the left and right of the contents, so that the border does not come too close to the wordings.

After saving the above modification to the template, this is the new look of our Poll widget. Doesn't it catch your attention right away?

Image Touched Up By

Change Title Font

If this is not enough, let us change the font of the Title to make it different from the other widgets in the sidebar. Where we inserted the earlier code, we add this other definition (shown in red) into the template:-


1. The text-align property shifts the Title to the center. If you are happy having the Title aligned to the left, remove this line.

2. You don't need a font-size that large. This is to show you how you can adjust the font-size if you want to.

3. Again, you can assign a different color code to the color of the text.

4. Under font-family, you can change the font face of the Poll Title. Usual font families in Blogger include – arial, courier new, georgia, lucida grande, times new roman, trebuchet ms, verdana.

5. We made the Title bold by adding a font-weight. If you want it in italic, you can add another line of code - font-style: italic; - before the sign }

With the above code, readers should clearly see the new Poll widget:-

Image Touched Up By

Add Background Image

Instead of a background color, we can use an image as a backdrop to our Poll widget. First create an image and upload it onto a free server like Google Page Creator and Google Groups. You may also refer to our rather comprehensive list of free Image Hosts and File Hosting Services in the article on Manage Blogger Image Storage Space. Take note of the IMAGE URL.

Next, go to Template -> Edit HTML and insert the background image as follows:-

The IMAGE URL is the address of the image uploaded onto the web server. There are more attributes you can add to adjust the image position or repeat it. If you need to know more, you can refer to our guide at Background Image for Blogger Template.

With a background image, the Poll widget can look truly outstanding and inviting like this:-

Image Touched Up By

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Background Image for Blogger template

With this guide, you would be able to add a background image or picture to your Blog, customize the position of your image, and have a static background image that stays in place when you scroll through the contents of your blog.

You will need to create an image. Find a picture you like. If you need a free photo editing tool, you can either search the net for one or use Google's Photo Editing Software Picasa. You can also use a small tile-size image which can be repeated so as to cover the entire page. Try not to have an image file that is too large as your page may take a little longer to load.

After creating a picture, you will need to upload it onto a free picture host. You can read about using free hosts like Google Page Creator and Google Groups. We have also a rather comprehensive list of free Image Hosts and File Hosting Services in our article on Manage Blogger Image Storage Space. Check out those sites and choose one that is fast, reliable and enables hotlinking to the uploaded files. Take note of the picture URL.

Next, log in to your dashboard layout; under Template -> Edit HTML, scroll to where you see this:-

Change background color

If you would like to change the background color of your blog to a very unique color, you can manually specify the color value. Search online for color codes, or take a look at the HTML Color Chart to see if you can find your desired color. For example, if you have chosen a color code #B38481, change the above code to this:-

If you are changing the background color of your sidebar only, add the color code under the relevant sidebar heading.

Similarly, if you want a different color for your main post column, add the color code as follows:-

Note that different templates may label their stylesheets differently. The #sidebar-wrapper may be called #side-wrap or something to that effect.

In some templates like the TicTac Template, the background color you see is due to a background image and inserting a color code into the template will not help. To have a different color, this background image will have to be edited. For more details, read the article on Background Color of TicTac Template.

Add a background image

The code to insert is this:-

Remember to insert the URL address of your image in the brackets. If you would like to have a feel of how a background picture will look like, I have uploaded a test image at this address –

Insert the URL of this test image into the above brackets and Preview your blog.

You can also have a background image just for your sidebar. Locate the style and add the background image code accordingly.

For a background image to your main post body only, add the code here:-

Repeat background image

By default, the image is repeated to fill up the entire background of the page. If you have a small or tile-sized image, it will appear like a print pattern in the background. Sometimes, you may choose not to have the image repeated. If that is the case, you can insert this code:-

Alternatively, you may only want the image to be repeated horizontally. The code is this:-

To have the image repeated vertically, the code is this:-

Position background image

If you have an image that is not repeated, you may like to specify the exact position of this image on your page. The HTML code to be inserted is this:-

Your image will appear at the top left corner of your page. The other possible values that you can use to replace “top left” are:-

top center;
top right;
center left;
center center;
center right;
bottom left;
bottom center;
bottom right;

If you do not want it entirely left, right or center, you can also define the horizontal and vertical alignments either in percentage or in pixels. Use either of these values instead, with x being the horizontal value and y being the vertical value.

x% y%;
xpx ypx;

Static background image

After that, you may specify whether you want your background image to remain in a fixed position when the contents of your blog are scrolled. By default, the picture scrolls with your content. To have it stay put, the code to insert is this:-

Putting it all together

The eventual CSS code that you will have for your customized template may look like this:-

Now you can see your image in background.


Author comments - Different Styles

Bloggers generally welcome constructive comments and feedback on their posts. Among the ways to encourage comments are to remove the “nofollow” tag and to add a Recent Comments widget into the template. Comments highlight issues that readers might have faced, and the author's reply to these comments may be useful to other readers as well. If you have many comments posted in your blog, it would be nice to add different styles to the author's comments to make them stand out from the rest. Readers with questions on commonly asked issues may easily find their answers in previous posted comments. This tutorial shall explain how the author comment styles can be added to the template.

After 7 months of blogging, we have today hit the 300,000 visitors mark. It is not a big deal to many bloggers but it means a lot to us, knowing that whatever leisure time we had given up to write these articles was worth the while. Thanks to all! While we were reviewing our articles earlier, we realized that there were so many comments in several of them that we had a hard time finding our own comments. We have therefore decided to highlight our comments to make it easy for our readers to sieve through and check if their issues have been addressed. An important point to note is that some of the answers we posted may have been superseded by events and you are still free to post the questions again.

Modify Template

Since this article is about setting a style for the comments that appear after a post, we assume that you have configured your Blog to display the comments. Check Settings -> Comments and select “Show” Comments.

Before you begin to do anything, remember to backup your template. Go to Template -> Edit HTML. Click the “Download Full Template” link to save a copy of your template.

Image Touched Up By

Click the check-box next to “Expand Widget Templates”.

Press Ctrl+F and search for the word “comments-block”. You should come to these lines. Insert the code (shown in red):-

Comment Styles

After you have inserted the above code, scroll upwards in the template and Ctrl+F to search for the word “comment-body”. In the Minima template, you should have this code:-

According to our Poll, the second most commonly used template is the Rounders template. In Rounders, this is what you will find:-

In other templates, you should see “comment-body” classes similar to the above. This is the current style for the display of all comments after the posts. To have a different comment style for the author, copy what you have in your template, paste and rename the class. For example, in the Minima template, we shall add the code (shown in red):-

You can name the new class anything you want by changing the “.blog-author-comment” to something else. (Don't omit the full-stop in front.) Just remember to rename that bit of code discussed in our earlier section. In our example, we have used the same margin settings but added a padding (space around the text) of 5px at the top and bottom, and 10px on the left and right. We introduced a thin border surrounding the text and added a background color. For more color codes you can refer to our Color Code Chart. The author's comments block will look like this:-

Image Touched Up By

If you are using the Rounders template, follow the same steps as above, copy the “comment-body” styles and add the new classes. For example, the code can look like this:-

Did you notice that we have not changed the margins and padding? The author's comments will be different though as there is now a text color and the font-style is in italics. This is what you will see:-

Image Touched Up By

If you are using other templates, do the same by copying the current “comment-body” styles and inserting the new classes and new styles. Experiment with the different style options and colors. If you need more ideas, you can refer to the list of properties in our article Links - Hover and Rollover Effects.

You can even insert a background image to the author's comments and change the font to a larger font or a different font typeface. The code will look like this:-

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